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Hey there 👋 thanks for taking a look at my work.

I’m a Senior UX Manager at GetYourGuide, a travel experiences marketplace. I’m based in Berlin but have traveled a little for my work before settling here. At my current work, we’re solving some difficult yet interesting problems for people ranging from travelers to tour operators. Luckily, I get to work with a team of inspiring designers, engineers and product people from different cultural and professional backgrounds, where we can share ideas and collaborate to achieve a common goal.

I strongly believe that while a well-designed product should be inherently aesthetically pleasing and functional, the value of a great product comes from its capacity in creating change in people’s behaviors for the better or making their lives easier.

Over the years, I’ve learned that people and culture within the organizations building those products matter more than I realized at the beginning of my career. Great products are built by teams, who share ideas and truly collaborate to achieve common goals. I enjoy my job when I am part of organizations that build those teams and let them grow.

In my personal time, I like traveling and getting to know different cultures, especially food 🙂 Hopefully, I’ll get to visit almost every continent throughout my life. Recently, I’ve started really becoming a fan of self-care — discovering and filling my life with things that make me happy and fulfilled. Some of those are really great books (especially ones that help me understand myself and humans in general), going out to brunch with people that give me energy, spinning, Pilates, baking…and I am discovering others on the way.

If you’d like to see more details about my professional journey, check out my resume.

If you any feedback or want to connect about all things design and leadership, don’t hesitate to contact me.

If you’d like to read articles I rarely write and share, you can find me on medium.